- every other shop sold tea
- there was such a strong smell of satsumas (I was definitely taken to Christmas)
- women sat at their stalls whilst knitting/crocheting warm hats and cute frilly dresses to sell
- people walked down the street carrying massive bags using straps across their forehead including 100kg cement
- man walking down the road with a basket on his head of 10-15 chickens
we also saw him at Tiger Hill where we watched the sun rise over a valley where the lights of the city and towns were seemed to be reflected in the billions of stars in the sky. The Sun flooded across to the mountains making them glow from blue to pink to white. It was absolutely stunning and although it wasn't completely cloudless, it seemed the mountains were floating in the sky, making it almost more breathtaking.
Finally we re-met him whilst learning the wonders of tea manufacture and in our discovery of Happy Valley Super Fine Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Piko One Tea, the tea named and sold by Harrods! Claiming to be the only organic estate in Darjeeling, it is the only place where you can sample delicious and tasteful tea brewed in front of your eyes in just 5 secs. It was fantastic stuff, shame you probably have to spend £40 to get it from London!
We really learned a lot more about the situation with Tibet at a fantastic Self Help Refugee Centre, which though playing an important part made us realise how little is being done to help the situation and how truly terrible the state of things are.
we have both now sat in amazement at how adamant people can be that all this happening is soo wrong but then they themselves can hold such hatred and prejudice against people. no matter how rationally and fairly we based our arguments we could find no way of convincing anyone they were wrong.
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